Sunday, March 18, 2012

LANA DEL REY....England's New Muse

With a style and flavor all of her own...Lana Del Rey knows how to play with her look. Dying her hair red was probably the most brilliant move she could have made. This "Gangster Nancy Sinatra" knows how to play up her image for her fans. With a style reminiscent of the  90's added with a vintage pinup edge.... Lana is exploring fashion and most of all TAKING RISK! I like that she can keep it simple but yet had her own flare to her outfits.  She is definitely one to watch on the RED CARPET. I can't wait to see her in American Vogue. I imagine Grace Coddington would come up with the most brilliant editorial alongside Terry Richardson as the photographer.  Vogue....there is your Summer Issue.......Your Welcome!!

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