Sunday, March 4, 2012


I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE FULL FIGURED WOMEN ON THE COVER OF MAGAZINES! Adele on the cover of VOGUE and now Christina Hendricks on the cover of BLACKBOOK! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME COMING! SO not only did I love the pictures in BLACKBOOK MAGAZINE but I also love the article about Christina Hendricks. Most of you probably recognize Christina as Joan Holloway from the hit show MAD MEN....which returns MARCH 25...BUT I was shocked to read that in high school Christina gravitated towards the Goth Crowd.......which I guess shouldn't shock me because high school kids can be quite cruel and they probably couldn't handle her natural beauty. Nevertheless, I think she is reminiscent to Marilyn Monroe and a brilliant actress. Can't wait to see Christina in the new season of Mad Men!!!!!!

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